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Namev3.0 PDFv3.1 PDFREDCap Instrument ZIP Files
Form HeaderForm Header
B1L Clinical Symptoms and
B2l UPDRS II Activities of Daily
B4L Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI)
B5L Mayo Fluctuations
B6L Mayo Sleep Questionnaire -
B7L Mayo Sleep Questionnaire -
B8l Scopa Sleep -
B9L Scopa Sleep -
C1L Neuropsychological Battery Summary
D1l Clinical DLB and PD
E2L Neuroimaging Available and
E3L Other Labs and

Since UDSv4 will no longer include the Z1X form as a data collection instrument, there have been some minor changes the data collected on the Z1X for the FTLD/LBD modules. See the table below for details. The content in the FTLD/LBD modules is not changing otherwise.

Please reference the previous documentation for available resources.

The following table lists LBD changes related to Z1X. You can also download this table as an Excel document.

Change SummaryUDSv3 FormUDSv3 QuestionUDSv3 Variable NameUDSv3 Response LabelsUDSv4 FormUDSv4 QuestionUDSv4 Var NameUDSv4 Response Labels
No changeheaderPTIDPTIDAny textheaderPTIDPTIDAny text
No changeheaderADRC nameADCIDList of current ADCIDsheaderADRC nameADCIDList of current ADCIDs
No changeheaderADRC Visit NumberVISITNUMAny textheaderADRC Visit NumberVISITNUMAny text
No changeheaderPacket CodePACKETIL, FLheaderPacket CodePACKETIL, FL
No changeheaderForm version numberFORMVER3, 3.1headerForm version numberFORMVER3, 3.1
UDSv3 variables consolidated into one date variableheaderVisit MonthVISITMO1 - 12headerForm DateVISITDATEmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
UDSv3 variables consolidated into one date variableheaderVisit DayVISITDAY1 - 31--
UDSv3 variables consolidated into one date variableheaderVisit YearVISITYR2005 to the present year--
Changed to form-specific in UDSv4headerExaminer's initialsINITIALSAny text--------
No longer in UDSv4headerForm IDFORMIDB1L|B2L|B3L|B4L|B5L|B6L|B7L|B8L|B9L|C1L|D1L|E1L|E2L|E3L--------
New variable--------b1lB1L Clinical Symptoms and Exam - Form dateFRMDATEB1Lmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
New variable--------b1lB1L Clinical Symptoms and Exam - Examiner's initialsINITIALSB1LAny text
New variable--------b2lB2L UPDRS II| Activities of Daily Living - Form dateFRMDATEB2Lmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
New variable--------b2lB2L UPDRS II| Activities of Daily Living - Examiner's initialsINITIALSB2Ltext
Change in variable name and response labelsz1xB2L UPDRS II| Activities of Daily Living - Submitted?B2LSUB0, No | 1, Yesb2lB2L UPDRS II| Activities of Daily Living - Submitted?MODEB2L0, Not completed | 1, In-person
Change in variable namez1xIf B2L not submitted, specify reasonB2LNOT95, Physical problem|96, Cognitive/behavioral problem|97, Other|98, Verbal refusal|99, Unknown or inadequate informationb2lIf 'B2L UPDRS IIActivities of Daily Living' not submitted, specify reasonB2LNOT
New variable--------b3lB3L UPDRS III| Motor Examination - Form dateFRMDATEB3Lmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
New variable--------b3lB3L UPDRS III| Motor Examination - Examiner's initialsINITIALSB3Ltext
New variable--------b4lB4L Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) - Form dateFRMDATEB4Lmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
New variable--------b4lB4L Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) - Examiner's initialsINITIALSB4Ltext
New variable--------b5lB5L Mayo Fluctuations Scale - Form dateFRMDATEB5Lmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
New variable--------b5lB5L Mayo Fluctuations Scale - Examiner's initialsINITIALSB5Ltext
New variable--------b6lB6L Mayo Sleep Questionnaire - Participant - Form dateFRMDATEB6Lmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
New variable--------b6lB6L Mayo Sleep Questionnaire - Participant - Examiner's initialsINITIALSB6Ltext
Change in variable name and response labelsz1xB6L Mayo Sleep Questionnaire - Participant - Submitted?B6LSUB0, No | 1, Yesb6lB6L Mayo Sleep Questionnaire - Participant - Submitted?MODEB6L0, Not completed | 1, In-person
Change in variable namez1xIf B6L not submitted, specify reasonB6LNOT95, Physical problem|96, Cognitive/behavioral problem|97, Other|98, Verbal refusal|99, Unknown or inadequate informationb6lIf 'B6L Mayo Sleep Questionnaire - Participant' not submitted, specify reasonB6LNOT95, Physical problem|96, Cognitive/behavioral problem|97, Other|98, Verbal refusal
New variable--------b7lB7L Mayo Sleep Questionnaire - Co-participant - Form dateFRMDATEB7Lmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
New variable--------b7lB7L Mayo Sleep Questionnaire - Co-participant - Examiner's initialsINITIALSB7Ltext
New variable--------b8lB8L Scopa Sleep - Participant - Form dateFRMDATEB8Lmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
New variable--------b8lB8L Scopa Sleep - Participant - Examiner's initialsINITIALSB8Ltext
New variable--------b9lB9L Scopa Sleep - Co-participant - Form dateFRMDATEB9Lmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
New variable--------b9lB9L Scopa Sleep - Co-participant - Examiner's initialsINITIALSB9Ltext
New variable--------c1lC1L Neuropsychological Battery Summary Scores - Form dateFRMDATEC1Lmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
New variable--------c1lC1L Neuropsychological Battery Summary Scores - Examiner's initialsINITIALSC1Ltext
New variable--------e1lE1L Genetics - Form dateFRMDATEE1Lmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
New variable--------e1lE1L Genetics - Examiner's initialsINITIALSE1Ltext
New variable--------e2lE2L Neuroimaging Available and Findings - Form dateFRMDATEE2Lmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
New variable--------e2lE2L Neuroimaging Available and Findings - Examiner's initialsINITIALSE2Ltext
New variable--------e3lE3L Other Labs and Findings - Form dateFRMDATEE3Lmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
New variable--------e3lE3L Other Labs and Findings - Examiner's initialsINITIALSE3Ltext
New variable--------d1lD1L Clinical DLB and PD Features - Form dateFRMDATED1Lmm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd
New variable--------d1lD1L Clinical DLB and PD Features - Examiner's initialsINITIALSD1Ltext