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A REDCap XML file is a file which contains an entire REDCap project (all instruments, fields, reports, and project attributes including Survey Settings and Event definition and instrument designation) in CDISC ODM format. It is a way to import pre-designed instruments as a complete project onto your REDCap instance.

Implementation for UDS4

NACC has made the UDSv4 forms available in XML format on the EDC File Downloads Page. This is a way for you to import all of the UDSv4 forms, already designed, into your own REDCap installation, the necessary reports for exporting your data to NACC, and the architecture required for annual visits. The entire UDS 4 project is built and ready for use by an ADRC.

The advantage of importing the forms as a project (vs. importing individual data dictionaries) is that it relieves you of having to manually set up Project Setup tasks. Additionally, it comes with a pre-defined export report and has instructional resources embedded within it.

Step-By-Step Guide

Download the XML file

  1. Navigate to the EDC File Downloads Page.

  2. Click the XML Link

    EDC File Downloads Page with a red box around the XML link.

    The file is in your download tray. Save it to a location that you can easily find in a moment.

Upload the XML file to your REDCap installation

  1. Log into your institution's REDCap.

  2. Click on 'New project'

    REDCap Homepage navigation bar with a red box around ‘+New Project’

  3. Give the project a title and select a purpose.

  4. In the Project Creation option section select 'Upload a REDCap project XML file (CDISC ODM format)' and then click the ‘Choose File’ button and select the xml file you recently downloaded.

    Project Creation option section with a red arrow pointing to the option, ‘Upload a REDCap project XML file (CDISC ODM format)’ and a red box around ‘Choose File’.

  5. Click 'Create project' or 'Send Request'

Bottom of Project Creation page with red box around ‘Create Project’ button.orBottom of Project Creation page with red box around ‘Send Request’ button.

Caveats or troubleshooting tips

  • Uploading an XML creates an entirely new project, so it will not be a way to integrate current REDCap instances with the UDS4 designs. For integrating with existing projects, you would import instrument ZIP files.

  • The text on the Project creation button at the bottom of the page will vary depending on your institutional policy.

  • There may be other institutional requirements or privileges required to upload an XML - talk with your REDCap Administrator or PI if you have questions.

  • The UDS 4 project created by the EDC workgroup consolidates the C2 and C2T to a single form and uses branching logic to display form specific information.